Journalism and Media Production

Journalism and Media Production
2 years/120 ECTS, Diploma


  • Accredited Programme by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CY.Q.A.A.)
  • Government grant up to €3.420 for each year of study (with income criteria)

The Programme of Study "Journalism and Media Production" (“2 Academic Years, 120 ECTS, Diploma") has been designed to satisfy the Level 5b Indicators of the National Qualifications Framework. The purpose of the Programme is to prepare the students for the world of Journalism and Media, helping them to develop communication and cognitive skills, competences related to the processing, editing and management of information so that, upon their graduation, they would be able to comprehend the mediated communication, and to produce it in its various forms. Combining theoretical and practical courses, and academic knowledge with professional skills, this Programme of Study aims at the delivery of learning outcomes that contribute to the socially responsible and productive presence of students in the world of Journalism and Media. In particular, the graduates of this Programme of Study are expected to be able to demonstrate competences such as producing journalistic texts of various types and for different media (print, audio-visual, online/digital), searching, analysing and synthesising data and information, producing new research ideas and to be renowned for their free, open, unbiased, and objective way of thinking.

The students of the Programme do their practice at the college's Sound and Image Studio and at the online radio station “Noise Radio”, creating their own radio broadcast and presenting them through live streaming. "Noise Radio" is hosted on students' website "Noise Airwww.noiseair.com.

 Listen live here:

  • Language of Instruction: Greek
  • Degree Title: Diploma in Journalism and Media Production
  • Attendance: Morning or Evening Classes
  • Enrolment Requirements: Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Eφημερίδα φοιτητών
Δημοσιογραφίας με Δημόσιες


5 Kallipolis Avenue
1055 Nicosia - Cyprus

Τ. : +357 22 875737
Fax: +357 22 756562

Email: [email protected]