Beauty Therapy and Beauty Therapy Units Management

Beauty Therapy and Beauty Therapy Units Management
4 years/240 ECTS, Bachelor


  • Accredited Programme by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CY.Q.A.A.)
  • Government Grant up to €3.420 and Student Welfare (Housing, Feeding, Book Purchase, Computer Purchase) for each year of study (with income criteria)
  • Bachelor degree equivalent and is corresponding to University level degree according to The Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KY.S.A.T.S.) 

The profession of Beauty Therapy is evolving year after year, so the creation of a Degree Programme of Beauty Therapy at the level of the Bachelor Degree, which offers knowledge on subjects of specialisation but also organisation, administration and successful operation of Beauty Therapy units, was imperative. KES College offers a four-year programme of "Beauty Therapy and Beauty Therapy Units Management", providing graduates with all the necessary skills to meet the current professional trends in the field, while having all the skills to participate actively in the more professional and responsible organisation and management of the workplace.

  • Language of Instruction: Greek
  • Degree Title: Bachelor in Beauty Therapy and Beauty Therapy Units Management
  • Attendance: Morning or Evening Classes
  • Enrolment Requirements: Secondary School Leaving Certificate

5 Kallipolis Avenue
1055 Nicosia - Cyprus

Τ. : +357 22 875737
Fax: +357 22 756562

Email: [email protected]