Office Management Administrator

Office Management Administrator
2 years/120 ECTS, Diploma


  • Accredited Programme by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CY.Q.A.A.)
  • Government Grant up to €3.420 for each year of study (with income criteria)

The purpose of the programme of study “Office Management Administrator (2 Years 120 ECTS,Diploma)” is to educate and train the students so they are equipped with competences that meet the requirements of today's business environment, enhancing their employability and building up their skillset in ways that allow them to adapt to a demanding and ever-changing market.

The ultimate objective of the programme of study “Office Management Administrator (2 Years , 120 ECTS, Diploma)” is to equip the students with knowledge and skills that are intrinsically related to the office administration sector as well as skills and abilities that are intrinsically related to the modern business environment.

  • Language of Instruction: Greek or English
  • Degree Title: Diploma in Office Management Administrator
  • Attendance: Morning or Evening Classes
  • Enrolment Requirements: Secondary School Leaving Certificate

5 Kallipolis Avenue
1055 Nicosia - Cyprus

Τ. : +357 22 875737
Fax: +357 22 756562

Email: [email protected]